
We cultivate spaces where women and men can learn and lead together in safe and life-giving relationships.

Our ministries and events are built on the Word of God (Foundation), commitment to the journey of discovering who God is and who we are (Formation), and a heart of hospitality shown through unhurried welcome, acceptance, and engagement (Friendship). 

Biblical Teaching

In the Beginning God made man and woman to reign over creation.
To rule and relate is a reflection of who God is. (Gen 1:26-28)


We believe the kingdom of God flourishes when there is room for men and women to lead equally. In marriage, ministry, or any relationship, the call and value of one is not diminished at the cost of the other.

The WOW! seminar series aims to sharpen and expand the understanding of God’s design for women in leadership through sound biblical teaching. These monthly seminars affirm God’s call to leadership and discipleship for every individual with the hopes of men and women being able to lead alongside one another to further God’s kingdom here on earth.

Each seminar highlights and explores women and Scripture in ways that encourage and challenge you to seek God in applying these leadership principles in your own context of family, work, community, church, and self. We offer a space where all can safely discuss culturally held ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’ ideas of leadership within the redemptive biblical narrative to further partnership and collaboration towards a flourishing church.

Connect with Biblical Teaching

We invite you to learn and engage with us the second Tuesday of each month or subscribe to our podcasts.

Bring a friend and be ready to be surprised by deeper insights!

The WOW! Intercessory Team (WIT)

“We never know how God will answer our prayers, but we can expect that He will get us involved in His plan for the answer. If we are true intercessors, we must be ready to take part in God’s work on behalf of the people for whom we pray.” – Corrie Ten Boom


PRAYER is the foundation of WOW! We could not and do not want to do the work of WOW! without God. WIT members receive monthly updates on the prayer needs of WOW! and can join together on a weekly prayer line.

Our WIT team is a global community that share these common values:

  • Actively living out our Christian faith
  • Sincere commitment and heart to pray for WOW!
  • Join quarterly prayer conference call whenever possible with other WIT members
  • Respect/Honor prayer time as sacred 

Connect with W.I.T.

We would be honored if you decide to champion us in this way.

WIT Coordinator: Caroline Telfer

Contemplative Prayer

“Prayer, then, is a gift we receive from God that allows us to participate in the work of love which God is doing in our lives and in the world. Sometimes as we pray, we sense that the Spirit is inviting us to stop our hard rowing, pull in the oars and let God guide the boat. We receive, rather than make something happen.” – Alice Fryling


Our contemplative prayer gatherings invite us to pray, alone, yet together- intentionally pausing to see where God guides us. We believe God will respond to our presence by taking all we are currently experiencing in refining and purifying the faith, hope, and love we offer ourselves and others. We introduce and practice various forms of prayer including but not limited to The Examen, Lectio Divina, Imaginative Prayer, Visual Journaling Prayer, and Breath Prayer. Jesus was compelled by an unwavering and resolute love to live and complete his earthly journey well. Let it be the same for us. 

Connect with Contemplative Prayer

Join us for this guided time at 12pm the 4th Wednesday of each month where we aim to nurture the gifts of faith, hope, and love.

Refresh Silent Retreats

It’s remarkable that solitude always calls us to community. In solitude, you come to know yourself as vulnerable and broken, yet beloved by God. In solitude, you realize that you are part of a human family and that you want to be together with others. – Henri Nouwen


Our semi-annual retreats lead us into an intentional time of communal silence and solitude, inviting us to unplug, listen, and hear God speak. We are reminded that the world is charged with the grandeur of God as we slow our pace, revel in the nature around us, reflect with a spiritual director, or engage with God through creative and literary mediums.



Connect with Refresh Silent Retreats

Spiritual Discernment

Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers they succeed. Proverbs 15:22

“Spiritual discernment asks us to pay attention. We need to attend to both what goes on around us and within us. Ideally, this attentiveness goes on much of the time, a sort of low level, constant spiritual sifting of the data of our experience. But there are times when discernment becomes much more focused, when a crossroad is reached or a choice called for.

At times like these the cumulative wisdom of tradition tells us to pay attention on many levels: to consult scripture, to seek the advice of trusted advisors, to heed the the collective sense of the faithful, to read widely and deeply the best ancient and contemporary thinking, to pray, to attend to the prick of conscience and to the yearnings and dreams of our hearts, to watch, to wait, to listen.” – Wendy W. Wright


Discover your God given passion. Ignite your gifting. Live out your full potential.

WOW! Discernment ministry invites you to journey alongside trusted friends and discerners of WOW! in determining where God may be leading you. The Discernment Process takes us on an inward journey of breaking free from our limitations to discover who we fully are in Christ. We can then begin to dream and be the leader God designed us to be.

Your discernment group will accompany you as you pause to re-examine the map of your life. The group will lovingly help you determine where you are and aid you in surveying the land as you decide where you’d like to go. Together we will tune into God’s voice, listen to your heart’s desires and pray to uncover how God may be aligning your talents, time and treasure with his will.


Connect with Spiritual Discernment

CLICK TO Learn More


DISCERNEE – The one seeking discernment

DISCERNER – A discerner of the group is focused on listening to your story, interceding through prayer, and helping you tune in to what God is saying.

TIMELINE – Three sessions, each two hours in length, within a span of 3 to 9 months.

Discernment groups are facilitated by a trained WOW! Discernment Leader, and will include the Discernee, a WOW! Counselor, and 2-3 trusted friends (the Discerners).

For more details, email

Spiritual Direction

As life affects us, God affects us and as we react to life we react to God. Fostering discovery rather than teaching doctrine is their [the spiritual director’s] purpose. -Barry & Connolly


Spiritual direction is a ministry of loving listening and meaningful questions offered in a safe setting that allows us to notice God’s presence and activity in our lives, creating opportunity to respond to God’s invitation. This creates the space where you (the directee) can listen to yourself reflect on your journey with God in the presence of a compassionate and skilled witness (the director) whose only purpose is to help you recognize God’s current promptings and how you’re responding.

This relationship develops through monthly, one hour conversations over the course of a committed time frame agreed to by the director and directee.


Connect with Spiritual Direction


Connect with Spiritual Direction

To learn more or schedule a time to speak with a spiritual director, contact us at or

Soul Care Cohort

The apostles returned to Jesus from their ministry tour and told him all they had done and taught. Then Jesus said, “Let’s go off by ourselves to a quiet place and rest awhile.” He said this because there were so many people coming and going that Jesus and his apostles didn’t even have time to eat. So they left by boat for a quiet place, where they could be alone. Mark 6:30-32



Contrary to the constant doing that most of our lives reflect, it’s the resting, following, receiving, and listening that comes in the sacred and special time with the shepherd of our souls that brings honor to his name! This is a gift many of us do not acknowledge or value in our daily rhythms. The WOW! Soul Care Cohort is our invitation to female ministry leaders to trust God to tend to the ministries and people we care for as we submit and allow ourselves the time to be with our Lord.
We aim to foster a community of grace for women in ministry to share, listen, connect, and grow in a safe setting. Our desire is that you leave nourished, adopt a sustainable rhythm of self-care and spiritual discipline, and be better able to fulfill the work the Lord has called you to. We will be connecting you to practical resources and equipping you to care for yourself and others in your communities.


Connect with Soul Care Cohort

To learn more, contact